Welcome to JLD Detailing!

Are you ready to transform your vehicle into a masterpiece?

We don't just clean cars, we breathe life into them. Let us work our magic on your beloved vehicle.

Experience the ultimate pampering with our VIP Treatment Service. Your vehicle deserves the royal treatment. Best if your pride hasn’t been cleaned in forever.

Sedan/Hatch $169

SUV 5 Seats $189

SUV 7 Seat $199

Van $249

Monthly Sparkle!

Keep your car shining all year round through our monthly packages. This package includes 1 VIP Package and 1 Maintenance Clean every month.

Sedan/Hatch $250 a month

SUV 5 Seats $290 a month

SUV 7 Seat $310 a month

Van $400 a month

Maintenance Clean!

Keep your pride and joy always clean with our service. Let us clean when your busy life’s don’t let you. Best after the VIP Treatment.

Sedan/Hatch $99

SUV 5 Seats $119

SUV 7 Seat $129

Van $159

Revamp your ride with us!